Summer School On Harmonic Analysis In Harbin

Summer School on Harmonic Analysis in Harbin

Pascal Auscher

Title: Hardy space adapted to operators and boundary value problems

Abstract: I’ll present some material from my recent monograph with Moritz Egert and from the one with Alex Amenta. The goal will be to show the construction of Hardy-Sobolev-Besov spaces adapted to operators starting from tent space theory. Then I’ll show how this becomes instrumental in solving boundary value problems for elliptic operators together with the solution of the Kato conjecture as initial tool. 

Resumé of the Lecturer: Pascal Auscher is Professor of Mathematics at Université Paris-Saclay. His domain of research is harmonic analysis at the interface with partial differential equations and functional analysis. He has a publication record of more than 100 publications including 4 research memoirs or books. He is one of the authors to the solution of the Kato conjecture on square roots of operators, one of the founders of the theory of Hardy spaces associated to operators.

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